Just this past November Nashville brought in the holy grail of organization - {
The Container Store}. And it's pretty much awesome. I have to admit I didn't know what all the hipe was about, but after visiting - I caught on real quick.
So as you guys know, I just had a birthday a couple weeks ago. And this year hubby had a surprise up his sleeve...
This is what my closet looked like when I left for work...
After hubs got his hands on it...
So sweet of him to document it all for me!
Hubs said he tried to keep everything in somewhat of an order.
He knows I can be OCD like that. haha
Let the building commence!
Sadie was helping (of course)
Looking good!!!!
The finished product.... I *love* it!
And when I came home...
It's hard to believe this board and rod were the only things in there before.
I have SO much more room now!
My pants and blazers were in my other closet before and now they fit in here - love that!
Hubs bought all those dividers for my purses
Shoe rack and baskets for small things.
I can even use the shelf about the pants for things.
He even got me two "valet bars" as you can see the ruffle shirt is hanging on. He knows I always hang stuff sideways like that. There is proof in my unknowing "before"! He said he was going to get me three but the lady at the store said that might be a little much.
So there you have it! Hubs put a lot of time and thought into the design and it does not go unnoticed by me. I absolutely love my new closet!! Thank you so much, babe! You did good! :)
Do you have a closet system? Or any storage tips for those of us living in older homes with small closets?